Silicon Valley International Piano Competition Grant 2025
to Apr 10

Silicon Valley International Piano Competition Grant 2025


Piano Teacher Support Grant

Supporting teachers & helping students participate in the piano competition! Are you a dedicated piano teacher looking to support your students in an international competition? The Piano Teacher Support Grant is here to help!

Learn more about

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One of Russia's foremost choral musicians on Slavyanka Zoom
8:00 PM20:00

One of Russia's foremost choral musicians on Slavyanka Zoom

Slavyanka Chorus has just managed to arrange a special live Zoom presentation with one of the most interesting and respected choral musicians working in Russia right now. Please join us for this special gathering on March 29th, 12 Noon Pacific time. Details below.

Andrey Kotov is a singer, folklorist, multi-instrumentalist, composer and conductor, creator and permanent leader of the unique choral ensemble "Sirin". This ensemble is widely recognized for their work in reviving unknown layers of ancient Russian spiritual music and giving a living voice again to folk spiritual poetry. Working with ethno-jazz musicians, composers, theater and film directors, and performers of modern music, they are making this music come alive for modern audiences.

In his April 9th presentation, Andrej will introduce us to two musical traditions very far from the usual spiritual aesthetics of today.

Spiritual poems of the Orthodox tradition (chants, psalms, verses, etc.). These are simply songs on spiritual themes or, as the performers themselves said, "songs in the presence of God".  They include monastic poems of ancient chant, spiritual chants of the late 17th - early 18th centuries, folk psalms (spiritual texts of the 18th-19th centuries), songs of wandering lyre players, and much more.

He’ll also introduce us to the world of ancient Russian liturgical chants of the pre-European period (znamenny chant, line and demestvenny polyphony, - music that requires a fascinating shift in consciousness for us modern performers.

Interested? Click HERE for tickets and the Zoom link (we’re asking a small donation to help cover the cost).

Not to be missed! Here’s hoping you can join us for this unique event!


Paul Andrews


Slavyanka Chorus

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Youth Musician Competition 2024
5:00 PM17:00

Youth Musician Competition 2024

  • PAC Theater 555 Middlefield Rd, Atherton, CA 94027 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Great Opportunity for Musicians!

We are very excited to announce that the Youth Musician Competition is happening on June 11th.

With the support of Aileen Cassinetto and the Commissioners Office, Chelsea Chambers with the Peninsula Symphony Orchestra, and the Gooddler Foundation, we are organizing a competition where teenagers who play any instrument have a great chance to play in front of an amazing audience. The main goal is to diversify the pool of competitors and open the doors to those who have never had a chance to be part of the competition or play on stage. This event will allow them to play and test their abilities.

If you know such musicians who would be interested, could you please ask them to fill out the form at our website:

Also, please support us by coming to this Free Event. Bring your friends and family and share this information widely. If you would like to join this event, register here:

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6:00 PM18:00

Поэзия Катастрофы: Полина Барскова, профессор UC Berkley

Приглашаем в Кафе на встречу с уникальным человеком - профессором университета Беркли, Полиной Барсковой. Вы могли видеть Полину совсем недавно в передаче "Скажи Гордеевой. С 2006 года живет в США.

Полина Барскова — поэт, филолог, прозаик, критик, исследователь блокадной культуры, профессор русской литературы в Хэмпшир-колледже (США), сейчас преподает русскую литературу в Университете Беркли. Автор двенадцати сборников поэзии и двух книг прозы, «Живые картины» (2014) и «Седьмая щелочь» (2020), а также монографии «Besieged Leningrad: Aesthetic Responses to Urban Disaster» (2017). Редактор антологии неофициальной блокадной поэзии «Written in the Dark» (2016).

Тема нашей Первой Встречи: Поэзия Блокадного Ленинграда.

Ольга, Берггольц, Наталья Крандиевская, Татьяна Гнедич.

Как женщина пишет войну? Одно из наиболее катастрофических событий 20-ого века, блокада Ленинграда, унесшая более миллиона жизней, также породило свой особый культурный мир, который многие десятилетия был известен нам лишь до той степени, которая совпадала с советским официальным нарративом.

В последние годы мы начинаем узнавать о существовании иных голосов и свидетельств, причем среди них женский взгляд занимает особое место.

Мы будем говорить о замечательных женщинах- поэтах, чтобы начать беседу о "неизвестной блокаде" как феномене культурного выражения и освещения исторического бедствия.

Татьяна Гнедич. Она переводила «Дон Жуана» Байрона по памяти во внутренней тюрьме Большого дома в Ленинграде. - праправнучатая племянница переводчика «Илиады», училась в начале тридцатых годов в аспирантуре филологического факультета Ленинградского университета; занималась она английской литературой XVII века и была ею настолько увлечена, что ничего не замечала вокруг. А в это время происходили чистки, из университета прогоняли «врагов».

Всю блокаду прожила в Ленинграде, в 1942—1943 годах работала военным переводчиком. В 1944 году арестована по сфабрикованному обвинению, приговорена к 10 годам лагерей. Всю жизнь писала стихи, которые практически не публиковались.

Русская советская поэтесса Наталья Крандиевская. Известна не только своим творчеством, но и большой ролью, которую сыграла в жизни своего мужа – Алексея Николаевича Толстого, при котором исполняла обязанности личного секретаря.

При жизни поэзию Натальи Крандиевской-Толстой, обладающей редкостным лирическим даром, знал лишь узкий круг ценителей. Среди них Бунин, Блок, Горький, Чуковский, Маршак, Слуцкий…

В 1941 г. Она оказалась в блокадном Ленинграде. Чудом выжила, написала книгу стихов, вероятно, самую страшную и самую высокую книгу блокадной лирики.

К сожалению, эти стихи не были опубликованы во время войны – иначе бы Наталья Крандиевская прочно вошла бы в орбиту известных советских поэтов.

«В кухне крыса пляшет с голоду…»

«После ночи дежурства такая усталость, что не радует даже тревоги отбой…»

«На стене объявление: «Срочно! На продукты меняю фасонный гроб. Размер ходовой…»

«Смерти злой бубенец Зазвенел у двери. Неужели конец? Не хочу. Не верю!..

Отдохни, мой сынок, Сядь на холмик с лопатой, Съешь мой смертный паек, На два дня вперед взятый...

Наталья Крандиевская-Толстая - единственная блокадная поэтесса, которой было дано испытать счастье материнства, вырастить детей и внуков, пусть не просто, блокаду она пережила просто чудом.

ОЛЬГА БЕРГГОЛЬЦ- Голос блокадного Ленинграда.

Практически во всех блокадных дневниках обязательно упоминается тот день, когда в городе заработало радио – уста Ленинграда. Это она сказала: “Сто двадцать пять блокадных грамм, с огнем и кровью пополам”. Это ее слова выбиты на Пискаревском мемориальном кладбище: «Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто».

С первого до последнего дня блокады ее радиовыступления были важной частью жизни осажденного города.

В бомбоубежище, в подвале,

Нагие лампочки горят…

Быть может, нас сейчас завалит,

Кругом о бомбах говорят…

…Я никогда с такою силой,

Как в эту осень, не жила.

Я никогда такой красивой,

Такой влюбленной не была...

(Как современно звучит. )

Лучше Полины Барсковой об этом никто не расскажет.

Приходите - узнавать, открывать, находить смыслы и тички опоры.

это не коммерческий проект, а движение души.

Мы не продаем билеты на вечер, но просим вас записаться здесь, так как пространство Кафе ограничено.

Suggested donation на вечере $25 если сможете

Все, что мы соберем, Полина отправит в Украину. Вы сами решаете сколько вы хотите-можете дать на благотворительность.

Спасибо и До Встречи

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6:30 PM18:30

Speed Networking event with JHTC

Join JHTC - Jewish High Tech Community Speed Networking event!

Networking can be one of the most powerful and productive activities an individual can do to launch and manage their career.

Building an interconnected group of relationships with others is at the core of a person’s effectiveness both personally and professionally.

To be effective at your job, manage your career, and find new opportunities, it’s not just what you know and what you can do, but also who you know.

Benefits of Networking:

1. Strength business connections

2. Get Fresh Ideas

3. Advance your career

4. Get career advice and support

5. Gain a different perspective

6. Develop long-lasting relationships

7. Find a job you love!

Face-to-face meetings are a key factor in successfully building and maintaining long-term professional and personal relationships.

Food and Beverages provided


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6:30 PM18:30

О духовном в искусстве или о музах Кандинского и Явленского

  • Gradus Ad Parnassum Music Academy (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Как сделать так, чтобы тема вызвала интерес? Особенно, если имена женщин гораздо менее известны, чем фамилии их спутников?

Кем был бы бедный офицер Алексей Явленский, картины которого мечтает заполучить любой музей Современного искусства, если бы не "русский Рембрандт" - Марианна Веревкина?

Как и где бы придумал абстракцию господин Кандинский если бы не участие и товарищество верной Габриэле Мюнтер и ее скромный домик в Мурнау?

А еще без этих двух амазонок просто невозможно представить себе немецкий... да и не только - экспрессионизм. Марианна Веревкина и Габриэле Мюнтер - героини нашей лекции в первую субботу ноября.

Регистрация тут

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8:00 PM20:00

Slavyanka Chorus: sacred music by one of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s highly praised contemporaries

  • University of Santa Clara campus, 500 El Camino Real, in Santa Clara (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This Friday, October 27th, at 8 PM, Slavyanka Chorus will be performing the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom by Konstantin Shvedov, a gorgeous masterwork of sacred music by one of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s highly praised contemporaries. Composed in 1913, this will be a chance to hear this stunning piece that was only recently performed for the very first time in America. The concert will be at Mission Santa Clara, on the University of Santa Clara campus, 500 El Camino Real, in Santa Clara. Tickets ($20 general, $15 student) online and at the door. More information and tickets at


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Esther Wojcicki: How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results
6:30 PM18:30

Esther Wojcicki: How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results

Esther Wojcicki and family.jpg

The Godmother of Silicon Valley, legendary teacher, and mother of a Super Family Esther Wojcicki. shares her tried-and-tested methods for raising happy, healthy, successful children using Trust, Respect, Independence, Curiosity, and Kindness: TRICK.


6:30 PM October 3, 2019


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Bohemia Investor Club: Daniil Trifonov & SF Symphony
6:30 PM18:30

Bohemia Investor Club: Daniil Trifonov & SF Symphony

AmBAR & Jim Dukhovny proudly present:

A place for venture capital professionals to network, relax and enjoy art.

✯ Venture capital professionals networking at VIP room of SF Symphony
✯ Private meet and greet with musicians after the concert
✯ Top wines and cheeses tasting 
✯ Exclusive startup product demo


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Partner Event: SVOD Conference
to May 17

Partner Event: SVOD Conference

  • Computer History Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SVOD or Silicon Valley Open Doors is a leading technology investment conference that brings in an eclectic mix of 2000 most creative, forward-thinking, and insightful people in the entrepreneurial and investment world to the heart of it all – the Silicon Valley!

From founders to CEOs, from industry legends to brand young entrepreneurs, SVOD brings together as speakers and investor judges the people who are shaping our lives today and influencing our future.


50% discount for AmBAR members!

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Artificial Intelligence is transforming the future
7:00 PM19:00

Artificial Intelligence is transforming the future

Register: (FREE for AmBAR members)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing at an incredible rate. It's no secret that artificial intelligence is radically changing the world. Some experts have predicted that up to 40% of current jobs will be replaced by new innovations within the next few years. Should Americans embrace this? If so, how?

Artificial Intelligence AmBAR/JHTC event - learning, inspiration, and networking. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from AI experts, business leaders, and politicians about AI's impact on modern workers.

Our Speakers:

Barak Turovsky, Director of Product, Google AI Google, Inc.
Barak is responsible for product management and user experience for Google Translate and Natural Language Understanding within Google AI team. Barak focuses on applying cutting edge Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to deliver magical experiences across Google Search, Assistant, Cloud, Chrome, Ads and other products. Previously, Barak spent 2 years as a product leader within Google Wallet team.
Prior to joining Google in 2011, Barak was Director of Product in Microsoft’s Mobile Advertising, Head of Mobile Commerce at PayPal and Chief Technical Officer in an Israeli start up. He lived more than 10 years in 3 different countries (Russia, Israel and the US) and fluently speaks three languages.
Barak earned a Bachelor’s of Laws degree from Tel Aviv University, Israel, and a Master’s of Business Administration from the University of California, Berkeley.

Thomas Kehler, Technology pioneer in AI, eCommerce, and social marketing. Serial Entrepreneur.
Tom was the CEO of the first AI company to go public in the US, he has taken another AI company public, and is current the chief scientist of CrowdSmart - a startup itself that uses AI augmented by human intelligence to predict which startups will scale and grow. He has vast institutional knowledge of AI.

Ge Wang, Associate Professor at Stanford University in the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). Ge Wang specializes in the art of computer music design — researching programming languages and interactive software design for music, interaction design, expressive mobile music, new performance ensembles (laptop orchestra and mobile phone orchestra), human-computer interaction, visualization (sndpeek), music game design, aesthetics of technology-mediated design, and methodologies for education at the intersection of art, engineering, and design.

Ge is the author and chief architect of the ChucK music programming language, and the founding director of the Stanford Laptop Orchestra (SLOrk), and co-founder director of the Stanford Mobile Phone Orchestra (MoPhO). Ge is also the Co-founder of Smule, a startup company exploring music-making via mobile devices (reaching over 200 million users). Ge is the designer of Ocarina, and Magic Piano for the iPhone and iPad. These expressive musical things (are they toys? instruments?) enable people to play and share music with one another around the world. Overall, Ge aims to explore the art of design with technology for music.

Ge is the recipient of a 2016 Guggenheim Fellowship; he is the author of Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime (a MusiComic Manifesto) — published by Stanford University Press (coming September 2018).

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8200 EISP Accelerator Pitching Event
6:30 PM18:30

8200 EISP Accelerator Pitching Event

  • Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosa 650 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

AmBAR and TEC Club invite you for pitching event with members of 8200 EISP Accelerator

Presenting founders:

  1. Gil Perry – CEO & co-founder, D-ID - protects photos and videos of organizations from face recognition while keeping them similar to the human eye

  2. Maor Shlomo - CEO & co-founder, - Platform to automatically discovers the most predictive datasets and features across thousands of sources, enabling data specialists to build machine learning models for their business

  3. Shai Raiten - CEO & co-founder, Weezmo - a physical market intelligence platform, with unique technology that connects in-store and online consumer identities.

  4. Kiriil Slavkin - CEO & co-founder, Annoto - Annoto turns static, 1-way video into an interactive group experience, where participants contribute, share and learn together.

  5. Yasmin Dunsky - CEO & co-founder, Frizzl - a mobile app that offers a new way of learning how to code, specifically tailored to generation Z users

  6. Dana Segev Moyal - CEO & co-founder, Legally - platform that transforms legalese into plain language so that everyone can understand the contracts they sign.

Confirmed Investors to be announced soon

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Partner Event: Red Marines Festival 2018
to Oct 21

Partner Event: Red Marines Festival 2018

  • Pioneer, CA 95666, USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Red Marines Festival 2018

Red Marines Festival represents a unique approach to events, showcasing a multi-genre stage setting, appealing to a diverse audience and uniting them under the same sky. Creating an environment where friends and family gather to celebrate and enjoy a weekend getaway. The festival itself has deep roots in the Russian community of the Bay Area, #becauseofrussians and as such had an international flair right from the start. The festival is treating the participants senses, with intelligent alternative music, performed by artists from all over the world, played on state of the art sound systems, gorgeous decor, and a beautiful location. It is a festival that enlightens, inspires, encourages art, involves local communities, and celebrates life. Musically the main focus is ranging from Psychedelic Trance, to Techno, Ambient, and Live Bands. Carefully selected to create that unique blend of joy and happiness, that Red Marines is famous for. And we are sure, if you attended our events in the past, you know whatever we have planned, it will be good. If you haven’t had the fortune yet, now is the time!

Saturday, October 20th 1pm - Sunday, October 21st 8pm
Early Friday arrivals are welcome with an early arrival pass.


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Partner Event: Gooddler Social Innovation Youth Summit
to Oct 21

Partner Event: Gooddler Social Innovation Youth Summit

OCTOBER 20-21, 2018
Stanford, California

The Gooddler Social Innovation Youth Summit, co-hosted with the United Nations (UNFPA) inspires a new generation of technology-oriented youth to invest their entrepreneurial brain power into solving the world’s acute humanitarian problems



50% discount for AmBAR members.

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Tokenized securities and stablecoins: the future of finance?
6:30 PM18:30

Tokenized securities and stablecoins: the future of finance?

Register: (FREE for AmBAR members)

Do you believe that securities on blockchain and stablecoins will revolutionize financial markets and redefine the future of money? Ivan Tsybaev and Ivan Bogatyy do!

Join AmBAR talk with Ivan Tsybaev and Ivan Bogatyy and discuss how security tokens and stablecoins can revolutionize financial markets.

"Stablecoins have garnered serious investor attention over the past few weeks. Unlike bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies, they are digital assets built to lessen price volatility and are often paired against the U.S. dollar or established commodities like gold."

About our speakers:

Ivan Tsybaev is a founder of Trucker Path, America's most popular mobile app for the trucking industry, providing navigational assistance and truckload sourcing. (The company has more than 600,000 monthly active users. Managed a team of 70+ people. Raised $21.5M in VC funding, recently acquired by a public company Renren). Ivan worked with top experts in the security token space, as well as with regulators.

Ivan Bogatyy, General Partner at MetaStable Capital ($300M+ crypto fund founded by Naval Ravikant. He was a Co-Founder of the stablecoin company and an engineer at Google. Discovered a major Bancor exploit. Stablecoin smart contract expert.

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Partner Event: SVOD2018 - Silicon Valley Open Doors Conference
to May 31

Partner Event: SVOD2018 - Silicon Valley Open Doors Conference

  • Computer History Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SVOD 2018 is a leading boutique startup investment conference that takes place on May 30-31, 2018 in Mountain View, CA. It brings together more than 1.5K attendees, including over 600 startup founders, 50+ gurus of the tech industry, 300+ top angels and VCs, 800+ experts, and much more.

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Partner event: Fully Autonomous Vehicles: Removing the front-seat driver
6:00 PM18:00

Partner event: Fully Autonomous Vehicles: Removing the front-seat driver

  • William R. Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200, Stanford University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Use a promo code VLABAV10 for $10 off.

Fully Autonomous Vehicles: Removing the front-seat driver

Stanford University.

The automotive industry is bracing for a new surge of progress and opportunity, with billions of dollars on the line. The potential is huge. People have been dreaming about self-driving cars for decades, and recent sales have shown that consumers are willing to spend big bucks for this dream.

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Mikhail Kazinik: "Laughter Through Tears"
to May 20

Mikhail Kazinik: "Laughter Through Tears"

Russian-Swedish violinist, musicologist, author, and educator, Mikhail Kazinik possesses an incredible gift of insight where creative genius is concerned. A charismatic storyteller, he captivates his audiences with a thought-provoking and inspiring excursion into the world of music, art, and the history of human creativity. This May, joined on stage by the Bay Area finest musicians, maestro Kazinik brings to you two different programs with a common thread: influence of Jewish folklore in classical music. Special features: the art of Mark Chagall in Part I and The World of Klezmer - authentic performances - in Part II.

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Stanford University: the book launch event "From Cold War to Hot Peace"
7:00 PM19:00

Stanford University: the book launch event "From Cold War to Hot Peace"

Stanford University Seminar. 

"From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia" 
Michael A. McFaul, Stanford Universit

The book launch event will take place on May 14th at 7 PM at Cubberley auditorium at Stanford. Below is the link with all details. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

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AmBAR VIP Club: Lunch With Yossi Vardi
12:00 PM12:00

AmBAR VIP Club: Lunch With Yossi Vardi

Lunch with Yossi Vardi, the legendary Israeli entrepreneur, and investor

Doctorate in Operation Research, Technion. Over 49 years' experience co-founding, leading and helping build over 60 high-tech companies. Formerly: Director-General, ministries of Development and Energy; Chairman, Israel National Oil Co.; Jerusalem Foundation; participated in peace talks with Egypt, Palestinians, Jordan, Syria; advised World Bank, UNDP, Mexico Gov't; early entrepreneur in Israel; co-pioneered instant messaging as founding investor and chairman, Mirabilis; creator, ICQ, sold to AOL; numerous IPOs and acquisitions by Microsoft, Yahoo, eBay, Cisco, IAC, others; member, boards, state and private corporations.

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Bitcoin and Bubbles - John H. Cochrane, Professor of Stanford University
6:30 PM18:30

Bitcoin and Bubbles - John H. Cochrane, Professor of Stanford University

So, what's up with Bitcoin? - Is it a "bubble'', a mania of irrational crowds, the first ever distributed planetary scale Ponzi scheme, or our inevitable future?

FREE for AmBAR members.

Learn all about bitcoin from a true expert! Meet our engaging speaker - Stanford University Professor, John H. Cochrane - one of the most influential experts on economics and business models of cryptocurrencies and blockchains, who kindly agreed to share his views and findings with us.

John is one of the most famous and prolific economists of his generation, with his poignant and often provocative commentaries shaping the market and regulatory decisions. His economic blog is a must-read for the economic and business elite.

At the event, John will reveal the economic secrets behind cryptocurrencies and provide his forecast for the bitcoin future.

About speaker:

John H. Cochrane is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and an adjunct scholar of the CATO Institute.

Before joining Hoover, Cochrane was a Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, and earlier at its Economics Department. Cochrane earned a bachelor’s degree in physics at MIT and his PhD in economics at the University of California at Berkeley. He was a junior staff economist on the Council of Economic Advisers (1982–83).

Cochrane’s recent publications include the book Asset Pricing and articles on dynamics in stock and bond markets, the volatility of exchange rates, the term structure of interest rates, the returns to venture capital, liquidity premiums in stock prices, the relation between stock prices and business cycles, and option pricing when investors can’t perfectly hedge. His monetary economics publications include articles on the relationship between deficits and inflation, the effects of monetary policy, and the fiscal theory of the price level. He has also written articles on macroeconomics, health insurance, time-series econometrics, financial regulation, and other topics. He was a coauthor of The Squam Lake Report. His Asset Pricing PhD class is available online via Coursera.

Cochrane frequently contributes editorial opinion essays to the Wall Street Journal,, and other publications. He maintains the Grumpy Economist blog.

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Russian Heritage Night
7:00 PM19:00

Russian Heritage Night


Event Details

The Russian Heritage Night will take place as part of the San Jose Sharks game on Thursday, March 8th!  This will be a great chance to meet other Russians and bond at a Sharks game as we celebrate the Russian culture.

With Russian native, Vladamir Tarasenko, and the St. Louis Blues in town, we are in for a fun night where guests will receive a Russian-Sharks beanie and have the chance to join Russian native and Sharks great, Evgeni Nabokov for a Russian group photo after the game. 

o   Thursday, March 8, 2018 (doors open at 6:15pm, puck drop at 7:30pm)

o   SAP Center in San Jose

How to join? 

o   Limited tickets are available online at: (Code: RUSSIAN)

o   For questions, please call Chris Jensen at 408-977-4781or email:

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Partner's Event: The Age of AI
to Feb 1

Partner's Event: The Age of AI

The goal of our conference is to facilitate the networking, find partners and clients, learn about technology today and tech of tomorrow. If you are looking for a well-rounded perspective on modern ideas in AI and its industrial applications, eager to meet scientists and engineers at the discussion table, find co-founders or business partners — welcome to Age of AI!

We have invited some of the best experts to share their experience with us and lead the collective development of machine learning methods. Each of them will give a talk on their topic, kickstarting the Q&A session — and the following discussion break.

We engineered the agenda in a way to facilitate the networking between the attendees: each session is followed by a networking break to encourage interaction and avoid information overload.

Details: (use the code Ambar30 to get 30% discount)

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